

  • CBC Radio 2 Drive
    A collection of the musical guests on CBC Radio 2’s program Drive.
  • Age of Persuasion
    Terry O’Reilly is back exploring the countless ways marketers permeate your life, from media, art, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion.
  • Randy’s Vinyl Tap
  • The Nerve
    Taking a look at the How and Why of music.
  • Alien Nation
    A journey into the lives of Canadian teenagers through the lens of host, and mother, Judith Mackin. Throughout the summer, we’ll meet teens as they deal with challenges in their daily lives.
  • Diet for a Hungry Planet
    Diet for a Hungry Planet is a program that takes classic story ingredients from The Current and cooks up a fresh new view of how our world eats. Our host is Anna Maria Tremonti.
  • Revision Quest
    First Nations comic Darrell Dennis plunders the past to challenge misconceptions of what it means to be an Aboriginal person in Canada today.
  1. Hey this is a great site, filling in a niche where CBC drops the ball. You’re really helping to deliver some great content that I (we) might otherwise miss.

    You don’t have any contact information though. Is that intentional? Are you hiding? I’d like to find out about how you record the shows and get them up as a podcast. Will you add any more shows?

  2. Indeed, thank you for posting these! I searched for the age of persuasion podcast and only found the ‘unoffical’ version which confused me and lead me to here.

    Strange they have shows not in podcast form. Listening to your ‘version’ for the first time and am a little disappointed in the compression and digital skipping, but I’ll takes what I can gets. Thanks again!

  3. Man! You are like totally awsome! Thanks to you, here, far far away from Canada, I can survive with your help by getting my CBC fix. Thanks a lot man!

  4. I’m sure this takes a lot of effort to get these up! thanks, they’re fantastic!

  5. Thank you to all of the people that produce this site. It must be some kind of difficult. I know that there are some copyright issues that prevents CBC from delivering The Age Of Persuasion as a podcast, or so they say. But why some other shows fall through the cracks. Also, in the Summer do you have a Simply Sean podcast?

    • No I didn’t capture Simply Sean last summer, but if it comes around again this summer (which is likely), I will try to podcast his show.

  6. Hi – it looks like the Age of Persuasion feed only carries the few most recent podcasts – and the most recent one, 314, doesn’t carry over. 😦

    Love the show, thank you for putting it together, it’s a little bit of home available from south of the border. (I miss Toronto so much!)

  7. Maybe this is how you’re already getting the Age of Persuasion podcasts, but if you look at the source html on the official Age of Persuasion page, you can find urls for the official mp3 files. CBC just hide them behind Flash players. Everything is there except the RSS feed that you provide!

  8. Hey have you guys thought about doing an unofficial drive podcast from radio 2?

    • That sounds like a lot of work, though I might consider a weekly Drive podcast if there is interest.

      • It wouldn’t be hard work at all — CBC embed their mp3 files in flash players on their sites but you can find the paths directly to the mp3 files in the source code for their program pages. Go to R2Drive, look at the code, and search for “.mp3” and you’ll find the files you can either copy or point to for the podcast!

        I don’t know if that’s how you get the audio already, but Age of Persuasion and Wiretap at least both use this system as well.

  9. Thanks so much for this- just read about this podcast in the Globe today and had no idea it existed. Why? Because CBC doesn’t have it as a podcast on iTunes!

    • Was the podcast mentioned online? Could you post a link to the article where it was mentioned?

  10. Thanks for the feed – great way to democratize the CBC. I’ve now got up to the end of Season 2. Was Season 3 going to be in the same feed?

  11. Hi there,

    Not being all that savvy technologically, I can’t figure out how to download your podcasts to my MP3 player — when I use “Save Target As”, it only downloads a shortcut. Can you advise?

    Also, I’ve already got most of the Age of Persuasion programs since Jan 2007 — I’m just trying to fill in the gaps. If you want copies of the earlier ones, let me know how to get them to you. Note however that I recorded them off air, so while most of them are fine, a couple are poor quality.


  12. great site – thanks.

    I was hoping to find the cbc-ideas program

  13. Thanks so much for this wonderful resource!

    I have been looking for the Age of Persuasion everywhere and it is so nice to have a reliable source such as this!

    You rock! Thanks!

  14. Thanks for doing this wonderful service! I spent half a day trying to find where the Age of Persuasion feed was and was down heartened to find it gone. Great to find it here!

  15. Just a note that the description of Vinyl Tap above is a duplicate of Age of Persuasion!

  16. You are AMAZING! I love listening to the age of persuasion on my iPod. I was just wondering if you ever had any intention of doing the same with “The Debaters”

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